
Registration Information

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Dear colleagues!

In order to register please follow the instructions provided below:
Click on the «Start Online Registration» link (или "Регистрация российских участников").
Click on the flashing button «Start the registration» .

Please fill in all of the fields of the registration form marked with an asterisk. These field must be filled in. If you do not have any information for a set field please fill it in with «N/A».

Click on the «Register» button once you have filled in all of the fields.

Under the condition that you have filled in the registration form correctly the system will send you an email that will contain an activation link along with your login and password.

Activate your private account by clicking on the activation link in the email.

Your private account has now been activated.

You can now order the services you require such as accommodation and pay for them along with your registration fee.

In order to enter your private account please use your login and password sent to you in the confirmation email.

Dear colleagues! 

Please note that the registration fee counts as being paid once the money has arrive on «СTO EVENTS» Agency Ltd. account.

 Start Online Registration
Regular fee 450 Euro, Student fee 350 Euro

 Регистрация российских участников
Взнос 10 тыс руб, студенты - 5 тыс руб

Если Вам нужен договор на оплату орг. взноса,
пожалуйста, распечатайте Договор.



N. B. If you need to make any changes to your profile once you have completed the registration process.

There is no need to register a second time.

Follow the link to the online registration system.

Use the login and password that you received in order to access your private account.

Once you have accessed your private account you will see all of the details that were entered previously. You can pick each detail individually and by clicking on the Change button.

If you have any question regarding the online registration process please contact Maria Osadskaya the conference manager

either by E-mail mosadskaya@ctogroup.ru
or by Phone:  + 7 (495) 960-21-90.